How to jack off : 12 best ways to jerk off

Masturbation is a very common practice among both men and women. The best way is usually the one that gives the most pleasure. Women stimulate their genitals with their fingers while men jerk off their dick. Some like to do it very quickly, others more quietly, and some more typical like masturbating during the sexual act. Each method is different just like each person is. As you may have noticed, wanking off does not require having a partner next to you and can be done alone. In any case, whether you are masturbating with our performers or alone, it is necessary to know how to jack off to make the most of the pleasure that masturbation can bring you.
There are many ways to indulge yourself solo pleasure and discover your body more deeply. Jack off not only gives you pleasure but also has many health benefits. Discover now the best ways to jack off and different manners to improve your masturbation. We hope these methods will make you find the best way to jerk off and see masturbation from a different perspective.
Use your weak hand
It is very likely that most people use their strong hand to masturbate. But jerking off with your weaker hand can give you pleasure. If you are right handed, jerk off with your left hand, and vice versa. Jerking off with the other hand will give you a totally different feeling. At first the feeling may be weird but with persistence and practice you will discover the joys of masturbating with another hand, as if it were another person’s.
Use both hands at the same time
If you masturbate with one hand, why not give it a try with both ? Often used for those with a large penis, this method also provides pleasure for shorter cocks. Trap your penis between your both hands and enjoy this good way to jack off.
Turn your wrist
Grasp your penis as you normally would and in the up and down movements, move and flex your wrist to create a twist in your hand. Somehow move the skin from left to right while leading it up and down.
Hold your penis with one hand
Hold your penis in the lower end with one hand without moving it and masturbate with the other hand. Lubricant is strongly recommended for this practice.
Play with your balls
The testicles are an erogenous zone that should not be neglected. Massage them delicately to the rhythm of your masturbation. Rub or massage them, playing with the testicles is a very common practice of masturbation.
Pull your balls
Another little tip about balls. It is said that a slight pain can increase the pleasure during sex or masturbation, and the slight discomfort you will feel will be a huge turn on for a very enjoyable masturbation session.
Cold hand
Try masturbating with your cool hand, take a walk outside, and come home for your masturbation session. The cold of the hand contrasts with the hot temperature of the penis. A real hot / cold and an unprecedented masturbation guaranteed.
Play with your nipples
An erogenous zone that is very often forgotten, playing with your nipples can be a turn on for many people. Very sensitive, nipples are part of the intercourse and masturbation of many people. Do not hesitate to stroke them during your solo pleasure sessions.
The area between the anus and the balls
Caressing the area between the anus and the balls is very pleasurable. During your masturbation, do not hesitate to explore this area
Anal play
A great classic and very popular that some people will admit. Try anal play. With a sextoy or a finger, find the point g for male and have fun. Meanwhile, masturbate and prepare for great enjoyment during the final assault.
Start-stop method
This one is certainly one of the simplest and best way to jerk off. Instead of rushing off and jerking off and ejaculating as fast as you can to move on, slow down as you get closer to ejaculation. Then stop just before the point of no return when you are 1 or 2 strokes from ejaculating and let things calm down and start again. Repeat this half a dozen and when you feel you can’t handle more, it will be one of the most powerful orgasms you ever felt.
Use lube
It may seem simple and common, but using lube when masturbating adds a touch of arousal. Moisture and very easy slip is a turn on.
You now know what the best ways to jerk off are. Feel to share with us your feelings on this article and on the masturbation methods that give you pleasure. And if you want to learn more or put it all into practice, you can still chat and watch men jacking off in our cam chat rooms.
I definitely agree for lube ! When masturbating, don’t use soap or detergent. These chemicals can dry you out and affect the quality of your orgasm. Instead, use natural lubricants like coconut oil. They have many benefits that include preventing STIs, reducing inflammation, and boosting hair and skin health. Coconut oil works best in combination with other oils like baby oil, butterscotch, and avocado.